Friday, January 17, 2014

WorrYing abOUt Battery Backup

Well here are some tips that I recommend to save battery backup capacity :
  o   Never discharge or use your devices while in charging mode.
   [You may Hibernate/Switch off your devices while charging.]
  o   Do not charge your devices on Generator(of AC current) or Inverter(of DC current)
  o   Avoid “Power Saving” modes of your devices while charging.
  o   Don’t panic if your battery’s drained. Actually it should be done in yearly basis.
   But excessive discharge below 20% will harm your battery life.
  o   You can head for softwares (Laptop: TuneUp Utilities & Mobile : Juice Defender)
   They have the features to conserve your battery charge, which devotes about
   20% to save your battery life.

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